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"Giraffe-herdet" PHY Para 15 variant

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Gunnar Teigsmark har nylig bygget ferdig en PHY Para 15 variant til meg med to ulike topper.

Selve taperingen er en Cattanach 8062 "The Force".

Den letteste toppen bærer et WF #5 longbelleysnøre med autoritet...

Den kraftigste toppen har jeg ikke fått mulighet til å prøve enda, men jeg føler meg trygg på at den burde passe godt med et DT #5/#6 snøre eller tilsvarende longbelley snøre og tunge nymfer, streamere eller fluefiske i utrivelig vind.

Som det framgår av bildet har Gunnar benyttet en flammeherdingsteknikk som han har lært av Carl Anderberg. I motsetning til stenger fra andre stangbyggere (skal ikke nevne navn...), er ikke herdingen utført med tilfeldige bevegelser, og med et tilfeldig mønster som resultat. Metoden som her er benyttet gir et mønster som resulterer i et "symetrisk" giraffe-mønster langs hele stangens lengde. Denne måten å lage et herdingsmønster på er kun av kosmetisk art, og gir ingen fordeler/ulemper utover mønsteret i seg selv og at det er en tidkrevende måte å herde stangen på.

Jeg er veldig fornøyd med jobben som Gunnar har utført på denne stangen, både mht det kosmetiske og stangens kasteegenskaper.

Tommelen opp for Gunnar!


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Legger ved enda et bilde av Gunnar sin Para 15 vaiant.


"The Force was designed as a more specialty rod then it was for overall general flyfishing . . . Delusionary Michigan trout bums have convinced themselves and several other folks throughout the flyfishing community  that there is such a thing as a "Hex" hatch.  Beer driven conversations around late night campfires have further exaggerated the size and aura of this legend . . tales of the females of the species having a wing span of 2 1/2" or better . . I suspect silicone implanted  . .

Now for those who have not stood in stream in the wee hours of late June . . listening to the sounds of thousands of these winged creatures and casting a fly that comes with a hazardous health warning affixed to each fly . . .just imagine the vision in this . . a size 2x extended hook with the better part of a complete neck of hackle attached to the fly line by about 3 foot of 3x leader . . . .Even in gale force winds . .when other rods buckle at the challenge The Force can deliver a fly slightly lighter than a slege hammer to a rising fish.

The original Force was specifically designed for Sam Surre but before delivery several test cast the rod . . Both Ron Barch and I initially cast the rod and neither of us had any trouble cannoning out the entire fly line as well a a goodly amount of backing. . . Consider in this that I have been told by the foremost FFF casting instructor that I am a rather rotten distance caster. . . So a general overview of the rods ability might be this . . .

If your friend is looking for a rod that casts a #6 line in the wind or larger flies without a problem . .or is simply looking for a sense of increase in his testicular circumference in his ability to cast distances . . this is the rod.  (Wayne Cattanach)

PS . . At the time the original rod was delivered there were two sons (Sam's Toni and My Matt) that were caught up in the then new Star War movies . . . . so the catch phrase of the day was . . "May The Force Be With You" . . .and so the influence for the name of the rod . . ."

Wayne Cattanach


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