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  1. Birgir

    Bil på Island .

    Har fortsatt billige biler tilgjengelige til sommaren Den her er ikke lige så billig men jeg har den og, Sjekk om de er ledige når dere er her. biggihunter@yahoo.no
  2. Hvis dere trenger 4x4 jeep eller hjelp kan du kontakte meg biggihunter@yahoo.no
  3. All kinds of streamers , wooly-buggers are the most common here in all colors from white to black. https://www.google.is/search?q=nobbler&hl=is&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=F2zaT--GKZHY8QPDk-GlBA&ved=0CGgQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=679
  4. Birgir

    Island 2012

    So how was it ?
  5. Birgir

    Island 2012

    Have a nice trip guy´s.
  6. Yup , Islending som snakker norsk men skriver lidt mindre. Bodde i Möre og Romsdal I 2002 . Jeger og fluefisker . Og hedder Birgir Örn.
  7. I can arrange a trout_feast at its best . Feel free to contact me at biggihunter@yahoo.no
  8. I can arrange few rental jeeps for up to 7 persons and a trailer (tilhænger) too. For further info contact me via e-mail biggihunter@yahoo.no or by phone 00354 8918898 Hilsen Birgir Örn.
  9. Thank you Roar trout-master , I will miss you , it will be hard but I will survive . :'(
  10. biggihunter@yahoo.no Hvis du snakker norsk da kan du ringe 00354 8918898 Ha det bra ! Birgir Örn.
  11. At least they liked it ! Bli med pá tur. hilsen Birgir Örn Arnarson.
  12. My summer is not fully booked yet. I have 2 X week tours available in the highlands . I have been guiding there since 2003 and have 70 % comeback rate , that about sais it all. Average size both in Trout and Char close to 2 kilos. ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eTlGGomHLg&feature=g-all-u&context=G280addcFAAAAAAAAAAA
  13. Birgir

    Island 2012

  14. Good tip Joachim !! Had a visitor the other day. http://spenstigfiske.wordpress.com/
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